Can you drink olive oil: A guide to drinking your favorite fat

In this post you'll learn how to drink olive oil and if it's even necessary.

Can you drink olive oil?

Yes, you can drink olive oil, especially extra virgin. The product is meant to be used for both cooking and finishing dishes therefore, can be consumed both raw and cooked.

You can take it as a shot or add the product to a drink such as coffee.

drink olive oil

How to drink olive oil

The most common way to drink olive oil is like a shot. Similar to how people take green grass shots. However, you can also add it to a variety of drinks, the two most popular being coffee and a martini. Some folks even add it to their smoothies but since fat solidifies at colder temperatures we do not recommend doing this.

Here's a step by step for how to drink olive oil:

  1. Fill a small glass with 1 tbsp of premium extra virgin olive oil
  2. Take it like a shot

Should you drink olive oil?

You do not need to drink olive oil if you use the product everyday in food preparation. However, if you do not use the product regularly for cooking/food preparation or frequently eat out you may want to consider drinking some regularly. This will allow you to reap the health benefits of the product.

At the end of the day it simply depends on your daily habits and diet.

Does drinking it offer more health benefits?

No, you can obtain the health benefits from EVOO by cooking with it or using it to finish dishes.

Related: Polyphenol Rich EVOO Explained

drink olive oil

How much should you consume everyday?

It's recommended to consume about 2 tbsp of olive oil a day. Some folks enjoy the taste and the boost of energy the product gives them so take a shot first thing in the morning. Others like adding a bit to their morning coffee, similar to bullet coffee.

Is it safe to drink olive oil?

Yes, it is safe! The product is meant to be consumed both cooked and raw.

Can you drink olive oil on an empty stomach?

You can, however, we don't recommend doing so. We prefer consuming the product with food as we find it helps aid digestion. This is a personal preference.

How often should one drink olive oil?

If you choose to drink the product then take 1 tbsp as a shot daily.

Are there different grades for drinking?

We only recommend drinking high quality extra virgin olive oil such as EXAU. Extra virgin is the highest quality cooking fat available to consumers and offers the most health benefits.

Shop our collection of high-quality Italian EVOO today!

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Hey, we wrote a book all about our favorite cooking fat. If you want to learn more get your copy today!

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Thank you for that information,It was interesting and helpful

Walter Gillcrese

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